It is not who you think ‘you’ are
I want to challenge you with the notion that you do not know who you are and your thoughts about yourself are influenced by where you were born, your culture and people around you.
God wants to change your thinking, God wants you to know yourself the way God knows you!
When one comes to Christ, the first point of your transformation is in your definition of ‘Who you are’. God wants to change your perception of ‘who you think you are’ to whom GOD thinks ‘who you are?’.
2 Corinthians 5:17 à Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. (NIV)
Every person who has been called out underwent this transformation to wear his / her new identity in Christ. David in the bible was born to Jesse who was a prominent member of the society with 7 tall & mighty sons skilled in the art of war and ready for Kingship. David was relegated to tending to sheep and was a constant target of ridicule and mockery of his brothers.
Psalm 69: 8 I have become a stranger to my brothers and a foreigner to my mother’s sons (NIV)
David was an outsider to the very family who was supposed to look after him and bolster his self-esteem.
In Psalm 51:5 à Behold, I was shapen in Iniquity (KJV)
David was so low at the point of penning this verse that he considered his birth an aberration. How many of you could relate to this, wherein you feel that you are treated like a stranger in your own family and is a constant target of ridicule? Just as David’s father did not consider him to be worthy of anything but tending to sheep.
Just as David who thought he was shaped in Iniquity at birth, while lonely and tending to his sheep while his brothers were engaged in more purposeful tasks such as military training and preparing to be the next King. Even though David thought his birth was an accident, GOD saw him from his mother’s birth. God had greater plans for David’s life. Let us read from
Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139: 17(a) à How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
God had to intervene in David’s life to transform his identity, so David could comprehend what God thought of David and his life. From thinking that he was shaped in Sin (Psalm 51:5) to being knit together in his mother’s womb wonderfully could only occur when God intervened in David’s life.
I want to tell you this, maybe you are mocked, derided in your family, in your community because you do not measure up to their expectation that you have started questioning ‘Why was I born?’. I wish to encourage you with the promise that God saw you in your mother’s womb given a chance, God wants to change the way you think about yourself. God wants to encourage you with the fact that you were fearfully & wonderfully knit together for a destiny beyond your comprehension.
David turned out to be one of the most successful Kings in the history of Israel.
– Samson Thomas